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Koncsag Magdolna Eva

Koncsag Magdolna Eva

Született Balánbánya, 1974.07.20.

tudományok doktora (Románia) 2012

Szakterület Kataszter
Műszaki Tudományok Osztálya

Kutatási téma

  • A 3D representation of mining development in Romania
  • Carrying out the systematic registration of the cadastral works in Romania
  • GIS elements applied to Romanian mining cadastre
  • Introducing a GIS concept in case of the mining cadaster in Romania
  • Land surveying measurements before final ecological works at the tailings management facility “Iaz Cărpeniș”, village of Roşia Montană, Alba county
  • Monitoring the long-term behaviour of the Tău dam fromTău Bistra, Alba county, Romania
  • Statistical interpretation of repeated measurements in case of power plants
  • The possibilities of using GIS in estabilishing geometry for the mining perimeters in Romania
  • The role of GIS in the management of mining activities

Szerkesztői tevékenységek

  • Pangeea
  • RevCAD

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