
'Innovation perspectives in basic research workshop

Innovation perspectives in basic research workshop


2019. június 19. 09.00-14.00 óra között


MTA Székház, Kisterem
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.


The mission of basic-research to improve our understanding of the world and its role in disseminating knowledge is widely recognised. However, the fundamental but less direct contribution of curiosity-driven science to innovation and economic growth often places its funding in a subordinate position compared to other areas of scientific research in the process of policy-making.

To meet the political and societal demand of accountability and of producing return on investment, performers and funders of basic research are facing the challenge of incorporating innovation perspectives into their core activities. Can basic research be performed with attention to the aspects of applicability and innovation? What are the limits of this dual mind-set and what is the trade-off, when innovation aspects and excellence are both present in evaluation criteria? And finally how are these aspects best incorporated into funding schemes of basic research and what other tools are available to make sure that policy-makers also reap the benefits of investment in basic research?

The conference aims to discuss how innovation perspectives appear in basic research in two sessions focusing on the arguments and concerns of research performers and funders, while leaving plenty of room for open discussion and involvement of all participants in the debate.

Please register here (until 18 June 2019)

9:00– 9:15 Welcome remarks
László Lovász, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

9:15 – 10:45 Applicability of results and the role of innovation in basic research: How to be open to innovation and give room to research curiosity?

9:15 – 9:30 Introductory lecture:
György Grüner, Senior Advisor to the Minister for Innovation and Technology

9:30 – 10:15 Panel discussion
moderated by: Jerzy Duszynski, President, Polish Academy of Sciences

Andres Koppel, Director General of the Estonian Research Council (ETAG)
Anton Zeilinger, President, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ádám Dénes, Senior Research Fellow, MTA Institute for Experimental Medicine

10:15-10:45 Open discussion

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 Innovation aspects in funding basic research: How to match research excellence with social and economic expectations?

11:00 – 11:20 Introductory lecture:
Marc Schiltz, President, Science Europe

11:20 – 12:00 Panel discussion
moderated by: Stephan Kuster, Secretary General, Science Europe 

Zbigniew Błocki, Director of the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland
László Lovász, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Attila Havas, Senior Research Fellow, MTA Centre for Economic and Regional Studies

12:00 – 12:30 Open discussion

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch (Academy Club)