
Women and Science, conference



2017. október 26. - 11.00 / 2017. október 27. - 16.00 óra között


MTA Székház, Nagyterem
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.


The conference, organized by the French Institute and its partners, addresses three major issues impacting the equal participation of women in scientific research and decision-making: equality of access to sciences in universities; access to research financing; and research and innovation in the business world. In order to make this event a true opportunity to exchange perspectives and good practices, European and international experts and practitioners in the fields covered by this conference will also take part, with the financial and organizational support of partner embassies, cultural institutes, and research institutions in Hungary. 

Registration:  conference [at] inst-france [dot] hu (until 20th October) 
After the registration deadline, please register here: borvolgyi [dot] katalin [at] titkarsag [dot] mta [dot] hu

The conference will be in English with simultaneous translation provided in Hungarian.

The program is here.

The facebook page of the conference is available here.


Budapesti Francia Intézet

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia

MTA Orvosi Tudományok Osztálya