Professors of two other universities also sign solidarity statement

58 professors from the Debrecen University and 30 professors from the Faculty of Science, at ELTE, Budapest have joined the solidarity statement published by the Szeged University earlier concerning the restructuring of the MTA. On Wednesday, 90 professors from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics urged the Parliament not to pass the bill concerning the Academy.

A couple of days ago, nearly 80 professors from the University of Szeged requested the “Government and Members of Parliament responsible for the fate of the country not to support the bill and not allow the internationally renowned Hungarian research network that also plays a crucial role in the future development of the country to be severely damaged.”

This manifesto was followed by a statement from the professors of the University of Technology and Economics (BME). “The BME has built up excellent relationships with almost each and every research institute of the MTA, participating in numerous domestic and international projects. Consequently, the unpredictability of the future of the MTA’s research network may prove to hinder future technological development” – says the statement, which has been signed by 90 professors from the BME.

It is for this reason that the professors declare their solidarity with the employees of the MTA’s research network. They request that the bill be taken off the agenda and suggest a wide scale social debate instead, which would include all stakeholders of the research community.

Several professors of the Debrecen University and the Faculty of Science, ELTE joined the initiative of the Szeged University in their statement published on Thursday.