The Secretariat of MTA is a budgetary public body, independent in its operation and management, organizing the work of the Academy as a public body, and fulfilling the tasks of the Academy’s research network related to administration, management, finance, property management and controlling.
The Secretariat of MTA is a legal entity disposing over its own budget, bearing independent management authority and responsibility. In regard to its provisions, the Secretariat of MTA performs tasks related to management, accounting and supply of data. Furthermore, it may fulfil tasks of operation and, within the scope of property management, tasks regarding investment and the use, utilization and protection of property.
The Secretariat of MTA carries out those tasks of the chapter-leading organization that it is commissioned to perform by the leader (president) of the chapter-leading organization, especially:
Supporting the work of the elected leaders and public body organizations of MTA, it promotes the execution of academic tasks included in the Act on MTA; Performs administrative tasks related to the international connections of MTA; Carries out preparatory, organizing, harmonizing, executive and controlling activities necessary for decision-making on the operation of the bodies of MTA, provides the conditions for body members to be able to perform their membership rights; Operates databases of public bodies; Performs tasks related to the operation of the General Assembly, its committees, the Presidium, the College of Leaders and its permanent committees, the Doctoral Council, the scientific departments and committees and the Advisory Board of the János Bolyai Research Fellowship; Provides conditions of operation for the Council of Academic Research Institutes and its professional committees, prepares its decisions and arranges for their execution, keeps contact with the research network, and monitors the conditions of research; Performs operative, financial and economic tasks of the academic budget; fulfils tasks of chapter management, and, with granted authority, carries out tasks of management and representation related to the management of the property of MTA; Supports, controls and supervises the financial and economic work of academic institutions; Participates in receiving donations to MTA and in managing heritages; Performs operative financial-economic and accounting activities in connection with the following chapter provisions: State Budget of Hungary, Chapter XXXIII: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, sub-heading 2: MTA Secretariat of the Doctoral Council and the Bolyai Fellowships, sub-heading 3: Honorariums of members, family benefits, and sub-heading 4: MTA public body tasks; Fulfils tasks related to the operation of the IT network at MTA and the secretarial organization; from among MTA’s tasks to support international co-operation, it performs tasks related to bilateral international scientific agreements, the arrangement, preparation and execution of participation in scientific organizations; participation in the activities of non-governmental scientific organizations; operative activity necessary for temporal foreign commissions, official travels, participation in events by MTA officials, members, doctors and civil servants of the Secretariat of MTA, organization and execution of international events in Hungary, reception of foreign researchers; Performs protocol tasks related to the international activity of MTA.