Governing Board
This body co-ordinates the work of the Academy's top executives in conjunction with representatives from branches of science. Its membership consists of the leading officials and the representatives of each of the three major fields of study (i.e. mathematics and natural sciences, life-sciences, and social sciences).
The Board sets up standing committees to solve special tasks. These are: the Committee on International Relations, and the Social Welfare Committee.
Tamás Freund
F.M., Chair, President of the MTA
László Csernoch, DSc
Valéria Csépe, F.M.
Anna Erdei, F.M.
Ferenc Hudecz, F.M.
Péter László Kollár, F.M.
György Kosztolányi, F.M.
András Stipsicz, F.M.
Eörs Szathmáry, F.M.
Vanda Lamm, F.M.
Gergely Bőhm
Head of the President's Office, Secretary of the Board
Andrea Balla
Head of the Secretary-General's Secretariat