Doctoral Council

With its 22 tri-annually elected members (Full Members, Corresponding Members, or Doctors of the Academy) representing all scientific sections of MTA and thereby a wide range of sciences and fields of scholarship, MTA's Doctoral Council adjudicates requests for the Doctor of the Academy title each month except for July and August.


Section 29

(1) It is the duty of the Doctoral Council to supervise professionally, procedurally, and ethically the procedure of awarding the title „Doctor of the Academy" to those meeting the relevant requirements by taking the appropriate decisions in all the stages, furthermore to revoke the title in case of demerit as stipulated by the Academy's Statutes and Doctoral Regulations with the proviso that procedural issues must be decided by the Procedural Committee, and issues relating to science ethics, by the Committee on the Ethics of Science.

(2) The Doctoral Council has 22 members. Eligible for membership are domestic academicians or members of the public-law association holding the „Doctor of the Academy" or an equivalent degree.

(3) Members of the Doctoral Council are nominated by the scientific sections, each section nominating one of its domestic academicians, and one of its non-academician public-law association members. Two substitute members (one academician, and one doctor) for each section are also nominated. Members and substitute members are elected for three-year terms, renewable once only.