Hungarian Science Abroad Presidential Committee

Chaired by

Károly Kocsis
Full Member of MTA

Geographical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.

Phone: +36 1 309 2628

E-mail: kocsis [dot] karoly [at] csfk [dot] mta [dot] hu


Tünde Morvai
Program Manager, Head of Department
Secretariat of Hungarians Living Abroad of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

H-1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 7. I/105.

+36 1 411 6196

morvai [dot] tunde [at] titkarsag [dot] mta [dot] hu

Members of the Presidental Committee


Enikő Bitay
Professor, External Member of MTA,
President of the Transylvanian Museum Association (EME)
400009 Cluj-Napoca, Stradă Napoca 2-4.
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Mechanical Engineering
540485 Târgu-Mureș/Corunca, Stradă Calea Sighișoarei 2.
titkarsag [at] eme [dot] ro, bitay [dot] eniko [at] eme [dot] ro, ebitay [at] ms [dot] sapientia [dot] ro
Phone: +40 750 016 063

Attila Brassai
Head of Department, Professor
G.E. Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș
540138 Târgu Mureș, Stradă Gheorghe Marinescu 38.
abrassai [at] yahoo [dot] com
Phone: +40 744 533962

Bálint Markó
Vice Rector, Professor
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology
400015 Cluj-Napoca, Stradă Republicii 44, Cluj-Napoca
balintm [at] gmail [dot] com, marko [dot] balint [at] ubbcluj [dot] ro
Telefon: +40 721 726105

László Nagy
President, Professor, External Member of MTA
MTA Regional Committee in Cluj (KAB)
400306 Cluj-Napoca, Stradă Ion Ghica 12.
lnagy [at] phys [dot] ubbcluj [dot] ro, ladislau [dot] nagy [at] ubbcluj [dot] ro
Phone: +40 264 405300 /5154

Zoltán Néda
Professor, External Member of MTA
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics
400084 Cluj-Napoca, Stradă Mihail Kogălniceanu 1.
zneda [at] phys [dot] ubbcluj [dot] ro, zoli [dot] neda [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +40 364 110060, +40 745 310531

Márton Tonk
Rector, Professor
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
400112 Cluj-Napoca, Strada Matei Corvin 4.
tonkmarci [at] sapientia [dot] ro
Phone: +40 264 599634


András Mészáros
President, External Member of MTA
Hungarian Academic Council of Slovakia (SZMAT)
931 01 Šamorín, Parková 4.
bandimeszaros [at] azet [dot] sk
Phone: +421 904 637849

Attila Simon
Associate Professor, Head of Department, External Member of MTA
Forum Institute for Minority Studies
93101 Šamorín, Parková ulica 4.
Selye János University, Faculty of Teacher Education, Department of History
945 01 Komárno, Roľníckej školy 1519.
simonattt66 [at] gmail [dot] com, simon [at] realmail [dot] sk
Phone: +421 31 5902790, +421 907 707281

Ildikó Kremmer Vančoné
Vice-President, Professor
Hungarian Academic Council of Slovakia (SZMAT)
931 01 Šamorín, Parková 4.
Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Central European Studies
94974 Nitra, Drážovská 4.
vancoildiko [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +421 915 125 364


Erzsébet Csányi
President, Professor
Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina (VMAT)
21000 Novi Sad, Vojvode Mišića 1.
E-mail: erzsebet [dot] csanyi [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +381 63 88 26 36 8

Márta Takács
Deputy Dean, Professor
Faculty of Hungarian Teacher Training, University of Novi Sad, Subotica
24000 Subotica, Štrosmajerova 11.
takacs [dot] marta [at] magister [dot] uns [dot] ac [dot] rs
Phone: +381 24 624 445


István Csernicskó
Rector, Professor, External Member of MTA
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College
90200 Berehovo, площа Кошута, 6.
csernicsko [dot] istvan [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +380 3141 42485/137, +380 3141 42968/118

Sándor Spenik
Dean, Associate Professor
Uzhhorod National University, Ukrainian-Hungarian Educational and Scientific Institute
88000 Ужгород, вул. Університетська, 14/A
alex [dot] shpenik [at] gmail [dot] com, karpataljamat [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +380 312 243374, +380 312 643960


Károly Szkála
President, Scientific Advisor, External Member of MTA
Hungarian Society of Science and Art in Croatia
10000 Zagreb, Vodovodna 15.
Ruđer Bošković Institute
10000 Zagreb, Bijenička 54.
skala [at] irb [dot] hr
Phone: +385 1 457 1218


Attila Kovács
Research Associate, Head of Research Group
Lendvai Research Group Ethnic Research Institute
9220 Lendava, Glavna 124.
attila [dot] kovacs [at] guest [dot] arnes [dot] si
Phone: +386 41 347 779


Ernő Deák
Editor-in-Chief, President
Bécsi Napló
1011 Wien, Schwedenplatz 2.
West European Federation of Hungarian Country Organisations (NYEOMSZSZ)
becsi-naplo [at] aon [dot] at, becsi-naplo [at] hungaronetvoice [dot] net
Phone: +43 1 532 6049, +43 650 7964251

Andrea Seidler
President, Professor
International Society for Hungarian Studies
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.
University of Vienna, Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies, Finno-Ugric Studies
1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 2-4.
andrea [dot] seidler [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at
Phone: +43 699 1956 1040

Western Europe

Márta Korbonits
Professor, Deputy Director, External Member of MTA
Queen Mary University of London, William Harvey Research Institute
Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry
EC1M 6BQ London, Charterhouse Square
Hungarian Science Club
m [dot] korbonits [at] qmul [dot] ac [dot] uk
Phone: +44 20 7882 6238

Gyula Vancsó
Head of Department, Full Professor, External Member of MTA
University of Twente, Department of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (Federation of Technical Universities of the Netherlands)
7522 NB Enschede, Drienerlolaan 5.
g [dot] j [dot] vancso [at] utwente [dot] nl
Phone: +31 53 4892967

United States of America

Pál Maliga
Co-Chair, External Member of MTA
American Association of Hungarian Academics (AMAT)
10036-7424 New York 43 W 43 Street Suite 78.
maliga [at] waksman [dot] rutgers [dot] edu


Margit Balogh
President, Scientific Advisor, MTA Domus Board of Trustees
Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.
balogh [dot] margit [at] btk [dot] mta [dot] hu
Telephone +36 23 441028, +36 30 2390340

György Kosztolányi
Vice-President, Professor Emeritus, Full Member of MTA
MTA Headquarters
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.
PTE Clinical Centre Institute of Medical Genetics
7623 Pécs, József Attila utca 7.
kosztolanyi [dot] gyorgy [at] pte [dot] hu
Phone: +36 1 411 6100

Miklós Kontra
Professor, MTA Doctor
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4.
kontram [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +36 62 544 024

István Monok
Director General, MTA Doctor
MTA Library and Information Centre
1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 1.
monok [dot] istvan [at] konyvtar [dot] mta [dot] hu
Phone: +36 1 411 6302

Attila Z. Papp
Research Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Minority Studies
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.
pappz [dot] attila [at] tk [dot] mta [dot] hu, pappza [at] yahoo [dot] com
Phone: +36 30 470 0579, +36 1 224 6790

Péter Pál Tóth
Senior Research Fellow, MTA Doctor
Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
Budapest, Buday László út 1-3.
toth [dot] pal [dot] peter [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone: +36 1 345 6672