Portrait of a Hungarian Islamic researcher – Festive commemoration and memorial conference on Ignác Goldziher
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Israeli Academy of Sciences and the Avicenna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies organised a series of programmes on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the Orientalist.
To this day one of the greatest figures in the history of European Islamic research, Ignác Goldziher was first a corresponding member and then a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the History of Language and Literature Department and a member of the board of directors. His invaluable correspondence is kept by the Oriental Collection of the MTA Library and Information Centre.
The main patron of the commemorative event was Tamás Freund, President of the MTA. The international memorial conference, entitled Reward and Punishment, was held as part of a series of programmes at which internationally renowned Israeli, Finnish, Belgian and Hungarian Islamic researchers presented their latest research in honour of the work of the renowned academic. After this, the Goldziher Memorial Exhibition, organised by the MTA’s Oriental Collection, opened in the main hall of the Academy’s Headquarters.