MTA’s Strategic proposal regarding the role of science in the revision of the Hungarian innovation system

True to its traditions, national mission, values and achievements, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is committed to devoting its potential and productivity to the creation and implementation of a new science policy that will result in a flourishing era for Hungarian science. In order to support this process and facilitate an agreement between ITM and MTA, the Academy has drawn up its own strategy, taking into account the working paper prepared by ITM.

This document is a summary based on the input collected from the chairs of MTA’s scientific sections and the directors of research institutes in MTA’s research network and other sources, including the administration of the Academy. This strategic document encompasses a wide range of opinions and was created as a working paper. On 6 December the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences adopted this document at its extraordinary 190th meeting with an overwhelming majority.

Read the strategic proposal in English here.