MTA General Assembly: the research network should remain within the Academy, under a new management system

In harmony with the opinions of the Academy and research institution leaders as well as Academy researchers and staff, the General Assembly has made its final conclusion regarding the Academy’s research institutions: the institutions should remain within the capacity of the Academy since this is in the best interest for science, innovation and ultimately Hungary as a whole. The General Assembly has also decided on the renewal of the leadership of the research network, which would delegate substantially more power to the government than at present. Should the government accept this proposal, the Academy and the government could begin a process to increase the potential of Hungary’s research and development and innovation capabilities hand in hand.

The large majority of the General Assembly accepted resolutions regarding the future financing and leadership of the research network also supported by the Presidium of the Academy and which were in large part based on consensual proposals drawn up by the Strategic and Professional Work-group set up by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM).

General Assembly: the institutions should remain within the capacity of the Academy

According to the resolution adopted by the General Assembly with a 78% majority, the research institutions are still effectively within the capacity of the Academy.

Components of the new management system for the research network

Concerning the management of the research network, the Academy went into great lengths to accommodate the proposals of the Government and the ITM: the General Assembly voted on the ramifications of the future management system of the research network. The foundations of the management system – passed by a 78% majority – were the consensual proposals drawn up by the Strategic and Professional Work-group set up jointly by the MTA and the ITM.

Components of the new management system according to the resolution adopted by the General Assembly

Governing Board (GB)

  • This board would be the main decision making body of the new management. The board would be responsible for the distribution and use of the state support provided in a dedicated chapter of the state budget. The president of the GB would be the chief executive to administer this chapter.
  • The president would be appointed by the Prime Minister based on the recommendation made in unison by the president of the Academy and the minister responsible for science policy.
  • The GB would have decision-making power in the following: founding or abolishing of independent institutions and centers, admitting already existing institutions into the network, as well as accepting institutions’ budgetary, organizational and operational rules, furthermore appointing the heads and financial leaders of these institutions.
  • Founding or abolishing of independent institutions and centers, admitting already existing institutions into the network, accepting institutions’ organizational and operational rules, altering the budgets of institutions by a rate greater than 15%, and appointing the heads and financial leaders of these institutions is bound by a 2/3 majority of all the members of the board with voting rights.

Scientific Council

  • This body is the place for substantive and professional discussions. Drafts proposals and decision preparation materials for the GB. In certain issues, it could have decision-making powers as well as rights for prior understanding.

International Advisory Board

  • A panel made up of internationally recognised researchers from abroad which would have a right for prior understanding in specific issues.

Innovation Council

  • Members would be delegated by the government, economic interest groups and other professional organisations. Its opinions and proposals would be made for the GB.


  • An organizational unit to assist with the operational and administrative operation of the research network

According to the resolution of the General Assembly the above mentioned structure can only be a basis for further negotiations as a whole without the alteration of any sub section.

Composition of the Governing Board according to the resolution adopted by the General Assembly

The General Assembly adopted a resolution with an 81% majority that specifies the composition of the Governing Board. According to this resolution, the Governing Board should be made up of at least 12 members as well as the president. Members of the Board are delegated by the Academy, the government and the Academy research network proportionally (i.e. 1/3 each). Delegates would be chosen from each scientific field in equal proportion.

Conditions for the launch of the new management system, as adopted by the General Assembly’s resolution

The new structure

  • earliest start January 1, 2020,
  • only institutions currently part of the Academy research network are admitted,
  • no founding or abolishing institutions with independent legal status before January 1, 2021,
  • staff retain their public servant status,
  • independent international partners (e.g. MPS, Leibniz) partake in the preparation for developing a new structure for the research network.

The fundamental condition for further negotiations is the Government’s guarantee of basic funding

Finally, the General Assembly also decided in a resolution that academy leaders would only be authorized to negotiate about the above resolutions made by the General Assembly with the ITM if the Presidium receives a guarantee that the research network receives at least the level of basic public financial funding provided in 2018, within a separate state budget chapter and without the current subordination to the ministry. This resolution was adopted by an 86% majority.

An individually proposed resolution was also adopted by the General Assembly stating that it does not agree with the „political motivation for the arbitrary restructuring of the institutional network”. Furthermore, the General Assembly „is only participating in this process whilst under pressure to help create and realize a scientific policy for the advancement of Hungarian science and innovation, whilst maintaining its values and releasing its inherent potential and creative energy to this end”.

Through a resolution adopted by a 90% majority, the General Assembly called upon the president and leaders of the MTA to continue the negotiations with the Government and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology concerning the future financing, management system and possible organizational forms of the Academy’s research network.