Momentum MSCA Programme: Welcoming Postdocs from Around the World to Join Momentum Research Groups
For the first time, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is announcing a call for postdoctoral researchers from all over the world to join MTA’s Momentum research groups. The winners of the Momentum MSCA postdoctoral call will be able to join the Momentum researchers from January 2026.
The call for applications will be available on the Momentum MSCA Programme website from 2 April 2025, with a deadline for applications of 31 May.
However, it is worth exploring the application conditions and opportunities already now.
At the time of writing, this programme is the largest Horizon Europe project running in Hungary, which the Secretariat of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences won in the framework of the EU-HORIZON MSCA-2023-COFUND call. The project is co-funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), which will contribute up to €5 million to support the careers of 35 exceptional postdoctoral researchers in Hungary.
Criteria for Momentum research groups hosting postdoctoral researchers:
1. The Momentum research group is based at a host institution that does not operate according to KEKVA rules[1], and the host institution has signed a partnership agreement with the Secretariat of MTA.
2. The Momentum research group funding period under the original grant agreement will end after 1 August 2028.
3. Momentum research groups that host a Momentum MSCA-funded postdoctoral researcher for at least 12 months will receive an additional HUF 10 million per year for the duration of the hosting period. Postdocs will join for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 36 months – it is recommended that, ideally, applicants select a 36-month period to fully utilise the Programme’s premium opportunities. In the event that a postdoc joins the research team for a fraction of a year beyond the full year(s), the additional support will change in proportion to the length of the fractional period.
4. In order to maximise the number of Momentum research groups hosting post-doctoral fellows, the term of the Momentum research groups launched in 2022 and 2023 may be extended until the end of the final year indicated in the original grant agreement.
For more information:
For application requirements and Programme details, please visit the Momentum MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme website: Please send any questions to momentum [dot] msca [at] office [dot] mta [dot] hu.
[1] KEKVA rules: Act IX of 2021 on public interest trusts performing public functions