Academician Miklós Maróth appointed to lead Loránd Eötvös Research Network

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán appointed Miklós Maróth, former vice president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as president of the Managing Body of the Loránd Eötvös Research Network Secretariat for five years.

As widely known, the Hungarian parliament passed a law on the modification of particular laws necessary for the transformation of the institutional system and financing of the research, development and innovation system on 2 July 2019. Consequently, the Loránd Eötvös Research Network (ELKH) Secretariat was established, as the central budgetary organization.

The main decision making body of Loránd Eötvös Research Network Secretariat is the Managing Body (MB) headed by the president, who is appointed by the prime minister based on the mutual suggestion made by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the minister responsible for the coordination of science policy. Six other members of the Managing Body are delegated by the minister responsible for the coordination of science policy and another six members are delegated by the President of the MTA, with the prerequisite that two thirds of the Managing Body must be practicing scientists. The members of the Managing Body are appointed by the Prime Minister.

The first President of the Managing Body of the ELKH will be academician Miklós Maróth, classical scholar, orientalist, the founding dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Péter Pázmány Catholic University.

The members of the Managing Body delegated by the President of the Academy are as follows:

Veronika Ádám, full member of the MTA; József Bokor, Vice President of the Academy, full member of the MTA; László Borhy, full member of the MTA, rector; Balázs Borsos, corresponding member of the MTA; Tamás Freund, Vice President of the Academy, full member of the MTA; Péter Pál Pálfy, full member of the MTA.

The members of the Managing Body delegated by the Minister of the ITM are as follows:

Ferenc Mezei, full member of the MTA; Zita Horváth, university professor; György Grüner, external member of the MTA; Péter Sótonyi, Doctor of the MTA, rector; Péter Gáspár, corresponding member of the MTA; Miklós Kellermayer, Doctor of the Academy.