ERC Paneltagok és a panel elnökeinek listája
A már lezárult pályázati felhívások esetében az ERC a honlapján közzéteszi a panelek (értékelők) tagnévsorát.
Az aktuális (vagyis most a 2016-os) pályázati felhívások tekintetében az ERC közli a panelek elnökeinek nevét.
ERC Consolidator Grant paneltagok 2016
LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry | Prof. LaszloTora |
LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology | Prof. Karen Steel |
LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology | Prof. Arshad Desai |
LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology | Prof. Stefan Schulte-Merker |
LS5 Neurosciences and Neural Disorders | Prof. Gábor Tamás |
LS6 Immunity and Infection | Prof. Caetano Reis E Sousa |
LS7 Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health | Prof. Patrick Couvreur |
LS8 Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology | Prof. Jon Mikael Ågren |
LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology | Prof. Birte Svensson |
SH1 Individuals, Markets and Organisations |
| Prof. Thierry Mayer |
SH2 Institutions, Values, Environment and Space | Prof. Neil Adger |
SH3 The Social World, Diversity, Population | Prof. Peter K Smith |
SH4 The Human Mind and Its Complexity | Prof. Ron (George) Mangun |
SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production | Prof. Angela Esterhammer |
SH6 The Study of the Human Past | Prof. Susan Pfeiffer |
PE1 Mathematics | Prof. Alfio Quarteroni |
PE2 Fundamental Constituents of Matter | Prof. Anne L'Huillier |
PE3 Condensed Matter Physics | Prof. Dragan Mihailovic |
PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences | Prof. Jan M.L. Martin |
PE5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials | Prof. Luis Liz-Marzan |
PE6 Computer Science and Informatics | Prof. Mogens Nielsen |
PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering | Prof. Mary O'Neill |
PE8 Products and Process Engineering | Prof. Aristide Massardo |
PE9 Universe Sciences | Prof. Conny Aerts |
PE10 Earth System Science | Prof. Paul Andriessen |
ERC Consolidator Grant Panel elnökök 2015
LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry | Prof. Saibil Helen |
LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology | Prof. Mandrup Susanne |
LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology | Prof. Genschik Pascal |
LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology | Prof. Schneider Michael David |
LS5 Neurosciences and Neural Disorders | Prof. Schwab Martin Ernst |
LS6 Immunity and Infection | Prof. Haller Dirk |
LS7 Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health | Prof. Ylä-Herttuala Seppo |
LS8 Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology | Prof. Lopez-Garcia Purificación |
LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology | Prof. Navarro Lucas Luis |
SH1 Individuals, Markets and Organisations | Prof. Bisin Alberto |
SH2 Institutions, Values, Environment and Space | Prof. Börzel Tanja |
SH3 The Social World, Diversity, Population | Prof. Reggiani Aura |
SH4 The Human Mind and Its Complexity | Prof. Pléh Csaba |
SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production | Prof. Buchowski Michal |
SH6 The Study of the Human Past | Prof. Harvati-Papatheodorou Katerina |
| |
PE1 Mathematics | Prof. Holden Helge |
PE2 Fundamental Constituents of Matter | Prof. Wiersma Diederik |
PE3 Condensed Matter Physics | Prof. Ciliberto Sergio |
PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences | Prof. Guldi Dirk |
PE5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials | Prof. Ikkala Olli |
PE6 Computer Science and Informatics | Prof. Peleg David |
PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering | Prof. Demeester Piet |
PE8 Products and Process Engineering | Prof. Saravanos Dimitris |
PE9 Universe Sciences | Prof. Meylan Georges |
PE10 Earth System Science | Prof. Stohl Andreas |
A 2015. évi ERC Consolidator Grant paneltagok listája elérhető itt.