8 billion HUF from EU to create new research centres

Two academic research centres are part of the two consortiums which have been granted 26 million euros, i.e. 8 billion forints to establish excellence centres in the highly prestigious “Teaming” program of EU Horizon 2020. Together with national resources and the contribution of participating institutes, a total sum of 22 billion forints can be used for two leading programs in the field of medicine and production informatics and logistics.

13 December, 2016

Development will begin at the MTA Institute for Computer Science and Control and the University of Technology and Economics in a field that heavily depends on basic research: cyber-physical production and logistic systems is the most modern trend of production informatics and logistics.

The aim of the other winning project is to establish a Molecular Medicine Excellence Centre through the participation of Debrecen University, Szeged University, the MTA Biological Research Centre and Semmelweis University in order to support the latest medical research and to promote clinics to apply results achieved through basic research. Young researchers from Hungary and other countries who have been selected through an international competition get an excellent opportunity in this research project, which is expected to reach a breakthrough in molecular diagnostics and individual treatment of diseases threatening aging generations, such as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and inflammatory diseases.

The two projects have been granted altogether 26 million euros (8 billion forints) by the Teaming Program of the European Committee, which promotes the establishment of new research centres.

Hungarian consortiums also cooperate with internationally recognised research centres. The German Fraunhofer Institute participates in the production informatics and logistics project. Meanwhile, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), a leading institute in the European integration of biological research, cooperates with and provides top examples of international practices for the medical project.