Featured Lendület Member: András Attila Horváth

Featured Lendület Member: András Attila Horváth

A growing body of research suggests that there is a link between epilepsy-related cortical hyperexcitability (i.e. excessive neuronal activity) and pathologies associated with cognitive decline, such as dementia. András Attila Horváth, Director of the Neurocognitive Research Centre of the National Institute of Mental Health, Neurology and Neurosurgery and head of the MTA-OMIII Lendület (Momentum) Neurocognitive Research Group, and his colleagues are trying to uncover the mechanism underlying this relationship. Their results could lead to new targets for treatment.

MTA’s Momentum Group on the trail of dark matter MTA’s Momentum Group on the trail of dark matter

MTA’s Momentum Group on the trail of dark matter

The European Space Agency recently released the first spectacular images taken by the Euclid space telescope, demonstrating the unparalleled capabilities of the new telescope. The data collected by Euclid will be analysed over the coming years by an international consortium of thousands of researchers. This consortium includes members of the MTA-CSFK Lendület (Momentum) Large-Scale Structure Research Group, led by András Kovács of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (CSFK) at HUN-REN.

Featured Lendület Member: Gábor Juhász Featured Lendület Member: Gábor Juhász

Featured Lendület Member: Gábor Juhász

The healthy functioning of cells is inconceivable without the digestion and breakdown of defective or redundant materials or substances that have been absorbed. If this system does not function properly, it can have a number of pathological consequences. These cellular breakdown processes are carried out by membrane-lined vesicles called lysosomes. They are investigated by Gábor Juhász, Scientific Advisor of the Institute of Genetics at the Szeged Biological Research Centre and Head of the Lysosomal Degradation Research Group, with the support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ Lendület Programme.

Big Five 100 – Video of the international conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of five legendary mathematicians Big Five 100 – Video of the international conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of five legendary mathematicians

Big Five 100 – Video of the international conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of five legendary mathematicians

The Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) organised an international conference to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of the mathematicians Lipót Fejér called the “Big Five”. At the ceremony, held at the HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, László Fuchs, who celebrates his 100th birthday this year, was personally welcomed and received the János Arany Lifetime Achievement Award, the most prestigious academic honour for Hungarian scientists abroad, from the President of the Academy. A recording of the event, partly in Hungarian, is available in our article.

Europe’s future depends on robust, open and free science and education – European academies of science issue joint statement Europe’s future depends on robust, open and free science and education – European academies of science issue joint statement

Europe’s future depends on robust, open and free science and education – European academies of science issue joint statement

A joint declaration has been issued by the academies of science or equivalent scientific bodies of the 27 EU Member States, drawing attention to the importance of science and research. The declaration is addressed to all of the candidates standing for the European Parliament elections and, more broadly, to all interested parties, reminding them of the key role that science plays in the future of the European Union. The document was signed by Tamás Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, on behalf of the Academy.

Featured Lendület Member: Viktória Kiss Featured Lendület Member: Viktória Kiss

Featured Lendület Member: Viktória Kiss

In the Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin, huge social changes took place in the population living in the territory of present-day Hungary. Viktória Kiss, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology of the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities and head of the MTA-BTK Lendület (Momentum) Base Research Group, and her colleagues are investigating these processes and the characteristics of the people who lived there. They are using state-of-the-art computer science, genetic and isotope-geochemical methods for this work.

Featured Lendület Member: Ildikó Király Featured Lendület Member: Ildikó Király

Featured Lendület Member: Ildikó Király

In our conversations, we often recall memories which did not really happen, but are just a figment of our imagination, yet tell them enthusiastically, with full feeling, to our interlocutors. They are not lies, because we believe that they really happened to us. Ildikó Király, professor, Head of the Department of Cognitive Psychology at ELTE and Head of the Lendület MTA-ELTE Research Group on Social Minds, and her colleagues will be researching the formation, functioning and adaptive role of these memories in the coming years. These constructed memories seem to play an important role in our social relationships.

Featured Lendület Member: Ádám Gali Featured Lendület Member: Ádám Gali

Featured Lendület Member: Ádám Gali

Quantum technology has the potential to revolutionise many branches of electronics, from communication to sensors to computing. Ádám Gali, professor, advisor to the Institute of Solid State Physics and Optics at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, and head of the Lendület-funded Semiconductor Nanostructures Research Group, has been researching quantum bits in solids for some time. Since last year, he has continued his research as a winner of the now-advanced Lendület grant. Based on his results, he and his fellow researchers can lay the foundations for new types of quantum sensors.

Featured Lendület Member: Imre Norbert Orbulov Featured Lendület Member: Imre Norbert Orbulov

Featured Lendület Member: Imre Norbert Orbulov

Composite metal foams have played a significant role in many areas of industry over the last decades (for example, they are used in impact and blast protection of buildings and vehicles), but the methods used to develop them are now becoming less and less viable. Imre Norbert Orbulov, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Professor of Materials Science and Technology, and head of the MTA-BME Research Group on High Performance Composite Metal Foams, and his colleagues are therefore exploring radically new approaches to the development of metal foams to help develop materials with significantly improved properties.

Featured Lendület Member: Emőke Rita Szilágyi Featured Lendület Member: Emőke Rita Szilágyi

Featured Lendület Member: Emőke Rita Szilágyi

Most people know only a few significant Hungarian humanist authors from the 15th and 17th centuries (the most famous of them being Janus Pannonius, Balassi and Zrínyi), although many other writers and poets also worked in Hungary during this period. Emőke Rita Szilágyi, research fellow at the Institute of Literary Studies at Research Centre for Humanities, head of the Lendület research group on Humanist Canons and Identities in the Kingdom of Hungary (1450-1630), is trying to remedy this shortcoming with her winning Lendület grant: in the coming years, she will investigate who among the authors active in the 15th through 17th centuries have remained in the public consciousness, and why, or why they have fallen out of it.

Featured Lendület Member: Anna Szécsényi-Nagy Featured Lendület Member: Anna Szécsényi-Nagy

Featured Lendület Member: Anna Szécsényi-Nagy

Although there are many written sources on the Roman period, very little is known about the biological, medical, nutritional and many other characteristics of the population of Pannonia. This will be remedied by the research of Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, archaeogeneticist, archaeologist, senior research fellow at the Institute of Archaeogenomics of the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, head of the MTA-BTK Lendület Bioarchaeology Research Group, and her colleagues, who will also study, for example, camels brought here by the Romans.

Fourteen Foreign Visiting Researchers to be Involved in Domestic Research in Hungary in 2024 with the Support of the Academy Fourteen Foreign Visiting Researchers to be Involved in Domestic Research in Hungary in 2024 with the Support of the Academy

Fourteen Foreign Visiting Researchers to be Involved in Domestic Research in Hungary in 2024 with the Support of the Academy

Research involving fourteen internationally-renowned visiting professors supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) could contribute to the creation of new anti-tumour drugs, the success of biotechnology programmes aimed at improving drought and salt tolerance, and the development of new alternative ways of producing and storing energy. Under the programme, which aims to strengthen the international competitiveness of Hungarian research teams, researchers from the United States, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Croatia, Argentina and Finland will come to Hungarian research centres, institutes and higher education institutions.

Featured Lendület Member: Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné Featured Lendület Member: Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné

Featured Lendület Member: Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné

In the near future, agriculture will have to face increasingly severe droughts, so we need to increase productivity in the face of growing stress to provide food for an ever-increasing human population. Zsuzsanna Kolbert Ördögné, Associate Professor at the Department of Plant Biology, University of Szeged and head of the Lendület Plant Nanobiology Research Group, and her colleagues are investigating what role seed priming with nanoagents can play in improving drought tolerance in cultivated plants.

Featured Lendület Member: Andrea Toldy Featured Lendület Member: Andrea Toldy

Featured Lendület Member: Andrea Toldy

How can waste from cross-linked polymers, which make up a smaller proportion of plastics, be recycled? Andrea Toldy, Professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and head of the MTA-BME Lendület Sustainable Polymers Research Group, is seeking answers to this question with the support of MTA’s Lendület Programme.

High Dutch Honour for Chemist Gyula Vancsó, External Member of MTA High Dutch Honour for Chemist Gyula Vancsó, External Member of MTA

High Dutch Honour for Chemist Gyula Vancsó, External Member of MTA

Chemist Gyula Vancsó, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and Professor Emeritus at the University of Twente, has been awarded the title of Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau in the Netherlands for his achievements in the field of materials research and for his work on the development of materials science in the Netherlands.

Extreme light pulses in the service of science and society – Nobel Laureate Gerard Mourou’s lecture in English on video Extreme light pulses in the service of science and society – Nobel Laureate Gerard Mourou’s lecture in English on video

Extreme light pulses in the service of science and society – Nobel Laureate Gerard Mourou’s lecture in English on video

Extreme laser pulses provide researchers with a general tool to produce high-energy radiation and particles, and to generate high field strength, high pressure, temperature and acceleration. They can help us to answer still unanswered questions in physics, such as the origin of cosmic rays with energies greater than 10²º eV or the loss of information in black holes. The French researcher also spoke about this in his Science Day lecture.

Proposals for the handling of articles for journals that engage in objectionable practices – MTA’s recommendations on new types of publication misconduct Proposals for the handling of articles for journals that engage in objectionable practices – MTA’s recommendations on new types of publication misconduct

Proposals for the handling of articles for journals that engage in objectionable practices – MTA’s recommendations on new types of publication misconduct

Alongside the positive consequences of the rise of open access, a number of new forms of unethical behaviour have also emerged. Therefore, in the spring of 2023, the Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to set up a committee whose main task was to develop an action plan for science practicioners against questionable publication practices. The committee analysed the causes of the abuses and the steps that the research community and organisations responsible for science policy should take to preserve the credibility of science and strengthen trust in the field. As a result of the committee’s work, a report entitled Proposals for the Handling of Articles for Journals that Engage in Objectionable Practices has been produced and is now published on the MTA website, has been sent to university rectors, heads of doctoral schools and policy makers, and has been distributed digitally to the 18,000 members of MTA’s public body.

In memoriam: Risto Kalervo Näätänen (1939-2023) In memoriam: Risto Kalervo Näätänen (1939-2023)

In memoriam: Risto Kalervo Näätänen (1939-2023)

Risto Kalervo Näätänen, internationally renowned Finnish researcher in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and the most cited psychologist of his lifetime, died in October 2023, having turned 84 on 14 June 2023. He was elected by the General Assembly in 2019 an honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A great figure among the pioneers of psychology and an enthusiastic and unstinting supporter of Finnish-Hungarian scientific relations has left us.

Katalin Karikó named a Nobel laureate Katalin Karikó named a Nobel laureate

Katalin Karikó named a Nobel laureate

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their shared biochemical discoveries that enabled the development of an effective mRNA-based vaccine against COVID-19.

Ferenc Krausz is a Nobel laureate Ferenc Krausz is a Nobel laureate

Ferenc Krausz is a Nobel laureate

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics was and awarded jointly to Ferenc Krausz, Pierre Agostini and Anne L'Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter.”

EASAC’s Report on the Future of Gas EASAC’s Report on the Future of Gas

EASAC’s Report on the Future of Gas

Natural gas is not cleaner than other fossil fuels, and using it instead of coal or oil would lead to little or no reduction in greenhouse gas effects, concludes the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC) in its recently published report “The Future of Gas”. In the EASAC working group preparing the document, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was represented by Professor Attila Imre, Doctor of MTA, and Head of Department of Energy Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

EASAC’s New Report on Neonicotinoids presented at the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences EASAC’s New Report on Neonicotinoids presented at the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

EASAC’s New Report on Neonicotinoids presented at the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

As a follow-up to its initial report on the subject in 2015, the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) has just published its second report on the agricultural use of the group of pesticides known as neonicotinoids. The public event presenting this latest report took place at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 29 March 2023. Should we allow the use of these substances in sustainable farming? Do they have anything to do with the loss of pollinators? Is there a role for this group of chemicals in Europe in the future? Here is a summary of the event which addressed all these questions, together with a link to the video recording.

Tamás Freund elected President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for another three years Tamás Freund elected President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for another three years

Tamás Freund elected President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for another three years

On Tuesday, at the 196th General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Assembly of Academicians once again elected Tamás Freund, a neurobiologist and full member of the Academy, as President of the scientific body, by a large majority. In addition to the President Tamás Freund, Secretary-General Péter László Kollár, a civil engineer, and Deputy Secretary-General Anna Erdei, an immunologist, were likewise appointed for another three-year term.

Exoplanetary revolution! – Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz gives a talk at the Academy’s General Assembly Exoplanetary revolution! – Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz gives a talk at the Academy’s General Assembly

Exoplanetary revolution! – Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz gives a talk at the Academy’s General Assembly

The search for planets beyond the Solar System has been underway for three decades now, and Didier Queloz has been behind the telescopes and spectrographs from the beginning. The Swiss astrophysicist guided participants and guests through this period, from the discovery of “hot Jupiters” that orbit their own stars in just a few days to the search for signs of life. You will find a recording of his presentation in this article and on the MTA’s YouTube channel.

European Climate Conference in Warsaw European Climate Conference in Warsaw

European Climate Conference in Warsaw

The European Climate Conference, co-organised by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), took place in Warsaw between 15-16 May 2023. The inaugural European Climate Conference brought together 90 scientists from 45 countries across Europe and Central Asia to assess climate change and progress towards reaching climate neutrality.

The Surprising Expansion History of the Universe - watch the Lecture by Nobel Laureate Astrophysicist Adam Riess The Surprising Expansion History of the Universe - watch the Lecture by Nobel Laureate Astrophysicist Adam Riess

The Surprising Expansion History of the Universe - watch the Lecture by Nobel Laureate Astrophysicist Adam Riess

We had the honor of hosting Adam Riess, one of the recipients of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, as a guest in the Ceremonial Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where he not only presented the story of his groundbreaking discovery that stirred the scientific community, but also talked about the far-reaching consequences of it in astrophysics. The video recording of his lecture is available in our article.

Announcement on the Nominees for the Chief Officer Posts of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Announcement on the Nominees for the Chief Officer Posts of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Announcement on the Nominees for the Chief Officer Posts of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The new leadership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will be elected by its General Assembly on 9 May 2023. The preparations for the election of the Academy leadership due in 2023 have been completed by the 22-member Nomination Committee, composed of members delegated by the eleven scientific sections, who are either members of the Academy or non-member representatives delegated to the General Assembly, in line with the provisions of the Academy’s Statutes as well as the Committee’s own Rules of Procedure.

Key Issues in Urban Greening - Video of the special session held at MTA HQ Key Issues in Urban Greening - Video of the special session held at MTA HQ

Key Issues in Urban Greening - Video of the special session held at MTA HQ

What is the benefit for us urban dwellers of encountering wildflower meadows or vegetable gardens on our way home? Does sex reversal in a significant number of urban frogs help in adaptation? Are urban birds any smarter than those living in their natural habitats? These were some of the questions discussed at the special session organised by the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub on 22 March 2023, which focused on the conservation and restoration of urban habitats.

Mathematician Vera T. Sós, Full Member of MTA, Passes Away Mathematician Vera T. Sós, Full Member of MTA, Passes Away

Mathematician Vera T. Sós, Full Member of MTA, Passes Away

Vera T. Sós was born on 11 September 1930 in Budapest. She completed her university studies in the Mathematics and Physics Department of Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE). She was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1985 and a full member in 1990.

Eric Hanushek: The quality of the teacher is the most important element of schools Eric Hanushek: The quality of the teacher is the most important element of schools

Eric Hanushek: The quality of the teacher is the most important element of schools

Eric Hanushek, professor at Stanford University, is one of the best-known and most influential scholars in the field of economics of education, having worked on a wide range of topics such as teacher quality, the effects of class size reduction, school accountability, and more recently, the relationship between economic growth and the skill levels in countries. Professor Hanushek gave a lecture at Hungarian Academy of Sciences about education in a changing world. On this occasion we asked him about the good teachers, optimal class sizes, talented and average students, the basic skills and the artificial intelligence.

Biosphere reserves under UNESCO patronage – An international programme co-initiated by Hungarians aiming to preserve biodiversity was in the limelight at a side event of the World Science Forum Biosphere reserves under UNESCO patronage – An international programme co-initiated by Hungarians aiming to preserve biodiversity was in the limelight at a side event of the World Science Forum

Biosphere reserves under UNESCO patronage – An international programme co-initiated by Hungarians aiming to preserve biodiversity was in the limelight at a side event of the World Science Forum

Biosphere reserves are the outcome of a unique endeavour to integrate research, nature conservation and sustainable development. Their past, present and future were explored at a World Science Forum side event co-organized by UNESCO and MTA under the title “Biosphere Reserves: Shining Gems of Natural Ecosystems”.

“We cannot afford to waste talented minds anywhere in the world” – welcome address by Tamás Freund at the Opening Ceremony of the World Science Forum “We cannot afford to waste talented minds anywhere in the world” – welcome address by Tamás Freund at the Opening Ceremony of the World Science Forum

“We cannot afford to waste talented minds anywhere in the world” – welcome address by Tamás Freund at the Opening Ceremony of the World Science Forum

To honour this year’s WSF motto of “Science for Social Justice”, all the speakers of the opening event urged the global scientific community with one voice to put science at the service of society, drawing on all the tools and means at hand, and to make a strong commitment to fighting against social inequalities and all the evils they bring. The World Science Forum in Cape Town officially began on 6 December with the Opening Ceremony, where the co-organising states were represented by their respective Heads of State and Ministers, with the international partner organisations represented by their top executives.

Global challenges call for globally accessible research facilities – How to leverage large research infrastructure for the conduct of basic science for sustainable development? Global challenges call for globally accessible research facilities – How to leverage large research infrastructure for the conduct of basic science for sustainable development?

Global challenges call for globally accessible research facilities – How to leverage large research infrastructure for the conduct of basic science for sustainable development?

A side event co-organised by the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Science and Innovation of South Africa, looked into the current availability of and future potential for large research facilities at the service of basic science working towards the fulfilment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

World Science Forum – Science for Climate Justice World Science Forum – Science for Climate Justice

World Science Forum – Science for Climate Justice

The Wednesday afternoon plenary session “Science for climate justice – How can science, working with civil society, lead the way in correcting the failure of climate policy?” was one of the most interesting sections of the whole World Science Forum thus far. Africa is the most authentic location for the discussion of this topic because, unfortunately, the low-income states of the continent will be harshly affected by climate change. Therefore, climate justice will be one of the most important scientific and political problems of the coming decades.

The 10th World Science Forum to Kick Off on Monday in South Africa The 10th World Science Forum to Kick Off on Monday in South Africa

The 10th World Science Forum to Kick Off on Monday in South Africa

The most prestigious global forum for science diplomacy is reaching a new milestone in its history this year: it is visiting the African continent for the first time. The 10th World Science Forum will be taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6 to 9 December 2022. Convened under the main theme “Science for Social Justice”, this year’s forum calls on decision-makers to recognise the vital role that science must play in solving the world’s worsening societal, economic and environmental crises.

The 150 of Us – An Interview with Robin Dunbar, Honorary Member of MTA, about the Social Network Size Number of Humans The 150 of Us – An Interview with Robin Dunbar, Honorary Member of MTA, about the Social Network Size Number of Humans

The 150 of Us – An Interview with Robin Dunbar, Honorary Member of MTA, about the Social Network Size Number of Humans

Few are those among contemporary researchers who will have a number named after them. Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Oxford University and Honorary Member of MTA, Robin Dunbar is actually one of them. The number he introduced has come to feature in each and every book on human evolution. One of the best-known anthropologists of our time, Professor Dunbar. We spoke to him on this occasion, asking him, of course, about the origin and scope of Dunbar’s number.

Sympathy and solidarity – Presidents of Visegrad Academies issue joint declaration at Budapest meeting in support of Ukrainian people, scientists and science, condemning Russia’s military aggression Sympathy and solidarity – Presidents of Visegrad Academies issue joint declaration at Budapest meeting in support of Ukrainian people, scientists and science, condemning Russia’s military aggression

Sympathy and solidarity – Presidents of Visegrad Academies issue joint declaration at Budapest meeting in support of Ukrainian people, scientists and science, condemning Russia’s military aggression

The Visegrad Group Academies Forum held its annual meeting at the Headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 26-27 May 2022. The focus of the two-day meeting was on the success of European Research Council (ERC) grants, the V4 academies’ uniformly outstanding epidemiological research and communication activities, help for Ukraine, young researcher initiatives, and cooperation in the use of European-level research infrastructures and in the application of advanced therapy medicinal products. At the forum, the academy presidents issued a joint statement on the aggression against Ukraine and support for Ukrainian scientists.

Call for research proposals for the Research Programme for Public Education Development – 2022 Call for research proposals for the Research Programme for Public Education Development – 2022

Call for research proposals for the Research Programme for Public Education Development – 2022

The Hungarian Academy of Scinces announces an open call for research proposals to finance research projects for 4 years (between 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2026), which aim to lay the foundations for the development of education and training by providing new scientific findings and to carry out research on how to renew the pedagogical perspectives and methods for knowledge transfer and the transmission of values.

MTA Centre of Excellence – Video of the certificate award ceremony MTA Centre of Excellence – Video of the certificate award ceremony

MTA Centre of Excellence – Video of the certificate award ceremony

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), on the basis of the recommendation of the Qualification Council for Research Centres (KMT), has given the MTA Centre of Excellence Award to 95 Hungarian scientific workshops and institutions in recognition of their outstanding scientific work. The representatives of the research centres that have won the prestigious award received the certificates at a ceremony at the Széchenyi tér headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

MTA External Members’ Forum features war-related topical issue MTA External Members’ Forum features war-related topical issue

MTA External Members’ Forum features war-related topical issue

In addition to the award ceremonies and toasts, this year’s recipient of the Young Researcher Award has posted a video message from the front in Eastern Ukraine. MTA Vice President György Kosztolányi, meetings chairman of the External Members’ Forum and representative of Hungarian Academy members living abroad, called the viewing of Viktor Traski’s video a historic moment that will be written into the golden book of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

A renewing, proactive Academy, an increasingly active public body – President’s Report by Tamás Freund A renewing, proactive Academy, an increasingly active public body – President’s Report by Tamás Freund

A renewing, proactive Academy, an increasingly active public body – President’s Report by Tamás Freund

“The changes in the external environment and, thus, in the situation of the Academy have forced it to revitalise itself, but MTA has consistently been able to act as a proactive partner and is now more of a master of its own fate than it was two years ago”, said Tamás Freund in his President’s Report at the 195th General Assembly of the Academy. The President of the Academy also announced the launch of several research programmes linked to social and national strategy priorities.

The intensively raised goat and the organic cabbage – can we have our cake and eat it? New report on regenerative agriculture presented at MTA by the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies The intensively raised goat and the organic cabbage – can we have our cake and eat it? New report on regenerative agriculture presented at MTA by the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies

The intensively raised goat and the organic cabbage – can we have our cake and eat it? New report on regenerative agriculture presented at MTA by the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies

According to the latest report of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies (EASAC) on regenerative agriculture, not only is ecologically sensitive agriculture not an enemy of food production but, due to climate change and environmental degradation, it will, in a few short decades, represent our only chance of being able to feed humanity. To explore the background of the report presented at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Wednesday 6th of April, we interviewed two Hungarian members of the scientific community who were behind it – Orsolya Valkó and András Báldi.

Gaining Momentum: Kata Horváti Gaining Momentum: Kata Horváti

Gaining Momentum: Kata Horváti

The coronavirus pandemic demonstrated that vaccines based on radically new techniques could be more effective than previous ones. They can be developed faster and protect against those infectious diseases where previously there were no vaccines. However, it is not only mRNA that could be the basis of a new type of vaccine: peptides can also be used for this purpose. Kata Horváti, from the HAS-ELTE Research Group of Peptide Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, received the Lendület (Momentum) grant to develop peptide-based vaccine strategies. An overview of her research is the next step in the introduction of the researchers who are the latest recipients of the HAS’s programme of excellence.


Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine awarded to Katalin Karikó Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine awarded to Katalin Karikó

Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine awarded to Katalin Karikó

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.

Eric Hanushek’s lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – video of the event at the Academy Eric Hanushek’s lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – video of the event at the Academy

Eric Hanushek’s lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – video of the event at the Academy

Eric Hanushek is a professor at Stanford University and one of the world’s best-known and most influential researchers in the field of the economics of education. He has conducted research in many areas over the course of his career, examining the qualities of good teachers, the impact of class-size reduction, school accountability and, more latterly, the relationship between countries’ skill levels and economic growth. Professor Hanushek recently gave a lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. You can see the video of this lecture in our article.

Curiosity indeed remains the main driving force behind scientists’ achievements – a thematic session co-organized by MTA and ANSO as part of the World Science Forum 2022 was looking into the future of basic research Curiosity indeed remains the main driving force behind scientists’ achievements – a thematic session co-organized by MTA and ANSO as part of the World Science Forum 2022 was looking into the future of basic research

Curiosity indeed remains the main driving force behind scientists’ achievements – a thematic session co-organized by MTA and ANSO as part of the World Science Forum 2022 was looking into the future of basic research

Do scientists still cherish that curiosity behind revolutionary ideas in science which has always spurred them on in their quest for the unknown? With today’s growing expectations over the accountability and the directly noticeable societal benefits of science funding, how can we reconcile these with the academic freedom that has always been so dear to the most outstanding figures of basic research?

World Science Forum – Social Justice and Dignity for Africa through Science World Science Forum – Social Justice and Dignity for Africa through Science

World Science Forum – Social Justice and Dignity for Africa through Science

On Friday, the World Science Forum (WSF) in South Africa ended with the closing ceremony, where, according to tradition, the Declaration of the Forum was adopted. The speakers of the event highlighted in their speeches that science provides Africa and the whole world the opportunity to successfully tackle the existing and emerging issues originating from climate change, social injustices and inequalities.

Information on the Academy’s measures designed to help scientists fleeing Ukraine Information on the Academy’s measures designed to help scientists fleeing Ukraine

Information on the Academy’s measures designed to help scientists fleeing Ukraine

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (“MTA”) condemns all forms of war of aggression and follows with profound sympathy the wholly unwarranted suffering and destruction caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine. The MTA has launched a programme to help members of the public body of the Academy, scientists as well as staff members of Transcarpathian scientific, higher education, cultural and artistic institutions and organisations who flee from Ukraine to Hungary as a result of the war. In this document we describe in detail the options available for providing or receiving help.

MTA’s fundraising campaign for scientists and scholars fleeing the war in Ukraine MTA’s fundraising campaign for scientists and scholars fleeing the war in Ukraine

MTA’s fundraising campaign for scientists and scholars fleeing the war in Ukraine

The objective of this humanitarian fundraising initiative is to provide financial support for the scientific community of Ukraine, in particular researchers and MTA’s public association members belonging to the Hungarian community of Kárpátalja (Carpathian Ruthenia), along with their families, as well as to help safeguard our scientific and cultural heritage.

László Lovász joins the ERC Scientific Council László Lovász joins the ERC Scientific Council

László Lovász joins the ERC Scientific Council

The European Commission has appointed three eminent scientists as new members of the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council. They are appointed for an initial period of four years. The three new members are Professor Chryssa Kouveliotou, professor at the George Washington University, Washington D.C., United States, Professor László Lovász, professor emeritus at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, and President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2014-2020), and Professor Giovanni Sartor, professor at the University of Bologna and at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

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