Chain Bridge

Facing the future, facing the screen – 10th Budapest Visual Learning Conference

Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia

17 November 2022 | PM 01:00 - PM 07:00

MTA Székház, Kisterem
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.

A rendezvény interdiszciplináris találkozója a kommunikáció- és médiaelméletnek, képelméletnek, pszichológiának, filozófiának, neveléstudománynak, történettudománynak, politikatudománynak és más szakágazatoknak. A központi kérdés: milyen jövőképet alkothatunk magunknak abban a világban, amely egyre erősebben és sokoldalúbban digitális eszközökön és online kommunikáción alapul, milyen új életmintákat és kivált tanítási/tanulási formákat teremtsünk, életmódunk milyen lehetséges torzulásainkra kell felkészülnünk.


Screening the Future Faces of Rhetoric
Petra Aczél, PhD, is a university professor of rhetoric and communication. She is Vice Chair of the Committee for Communication and Media Theory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: aczelpetra [at] t-email [dot] hu.

What a World! The Pluralistic Universe of Innocent Realism
Susan Haack is Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences, Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Law, University of Miami. © 2022 Susan Haack. All rights reserved.

Algorithmic Nudging: A Site of Social Control, Resistance and Conflict
James E. Katz, Ph.D., Dr.h.c., is the Feld Professor of Emerging Media at Boston University. In 2021, he received the prestigious Frederick Williams Prize from the International Communication Association. E-mail: profjameskatz [at] gmail [dot] com.

The Preservation of Self in the Zoom Age: Insights from Pragmatics, Gesture Semiotics and Diary Studies
Professor Jean-Rémi Paul LAPAIRE teaches cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, gesture semiotics, dance and performance theory at Université Bordeaux Montaigne (UBM), France. His current research is centred on intersemiosis, intersemiotic translation and performancebased approaches to education. E-mail: jrlapaire [at] u-bordeaux-montaigne [dot] fr.

Does Democracy Need a Digital Council of Trent?
Rich Ling is Former Shaw Foundation Professor of Media Technology at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Member of the Nor­wegian Academy of Science and Arts.

The Right Not to Be Exposed to Pornography
Dr. David McGrogan is Associate Professor of Law and Acting Deputy Head of School at Northumbria Law School. E-mail: david [dot] mcgrogan [at] northumbria [dot] ac [dot] uk.

Speleology in the Metaverse: From Plato’s Cave to Zuckerberg’s
Kieron O’Hara is emeritus fellow in electronics and computing at the University of Southampton. His research has focused on technology, particularly the World Wide Web, and political philosophy. His latest book, Four Internets (with Dame Wendy Hall), describes the geopolitics of internet and data governance under digital modernity. E-mail: kmoh [at] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk.

Seeing through Letterforms – Typography Past and Future
Irma Puškarević is Assistant Professor and Area Head Graphic Design at Wichita State University (U.S.) with special interest in language and typography. She received her PhD from University of Novi Sad, Department of Graphic Engineering and Design. Her most recent research explores the phenomenon of multilingualism, i.e. multi-script typography of the South Slavic region. E-mail: irma [dot] puskarevic [at] gmail [dot] com.

Model-induced Escape
Barry Smith is a prominent contributor to both theoretical and applied research in ontology and one of the most highly cited living philosophers. He is the principal author of Basic Formal Ontology (ISO/IEC:21838-2), which is used as standard top-level ontology in domains such as biomedical informatics and military intelligence. He is co-author, with Jobst Landgrebe, of Why Machines Will Never Rule the World (Routledge, August 2022). E-mail: ifomis [at] gmail [dot] com.

Curation: The Digital World of Manipulated Experience
Stephen Turner, Distinguished University Professor, University of South Florida. E-mail: turner [at] usf [dot] edu.

‘Don’t Think, but Look!’ Perceptual Experience, Metaphysics, and Common Sense
Alfredo Vernazzani is Assistant Professor at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. He has held visiting positions at the University of Cambridge (2015–2016), and Harvard University (2019, 2020). His main research interests are in the philosophy of perception, aesthetics, philosophy of cognitive science, and the epistemology of understanding. E-mail: alfredo-vernazzani [at] daad-alumni [dot] de.


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